NV Ferme De Port Coustic Court Jus

Sale price$29.85
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From: Brittany, France

Tasting Notes: This wine is in the style of Pommeau and perfect for an after-dinner drink. Pommeau is an alcoholic drink made in north-western France by mixing apple juice with apple brandy: Calvados in Normandy (Pommeau de Normandie) or lambig in Brittany (Pommeau de Bretagne).

Pairing: Considered a mistelle, this drink is generally consumed as an apéritif, or as an accompaniment to melon or blue cheese.

About. Mathieu Le Saux- Wine/Cidermaker, "After my studies in Montpellier and a short stay in Burgundy, I reinforced my experience for 4 years in Switzerland at Domaine des Faverges alongside Gérald, Yvan, Florin, Maria where I discovered biodynamics and other ancestral peasant knowledge (herbal teas and hoe!)."

We arrived on the island of Groix in July 2017 with a multi-faceted project: wine, cider, market gardening, and some animals. While waiting to produce grapes (because it takes time), we make cider and apple juice with fruits coming mainly from the continent (from the 4 departments of Brittany: 22, 29, 35, 56). We planted trees on Groix, but we have to wait a few years before there is production.

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